Sunday (June 22) marked the start of week 1.3 here at camp.This week I was assigned to a two week group of TST (Teen Service Team) girls. They will be here until July 4th, when they head home.
The time I have spent with them has always been an adventure. I haven't really been able to figure out what to expect from these girls, but was able to spend all day today with them, which was AWESOME! Before I get into today, I'll cover everything between Sunday and today.
On Sunday night, the CoCo K staff was up there until after 10 thanks to dishes. Of the five of us doing dishes, three of us had fun singing Disney songs and laughing rather hard. It defiantly made the dishes go by faster.
Monday through Thursday were normal days for me, and I defiantly enjoyed higher ground on Monday night. Thursday evening was a bit rough. I was a bit tired, wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep, and was a bit frustrated, but when I got a letter from Leesy (a very good friend of mine), and had the chance to read it, I felt at least a little better.
Friday I ended up working from 3:30 until 10 in the New Fro kitchen, which I hadn't found out about until under 24 hours before hand. Sometimes life happens and you have to go with the flow and be flexible. I did my best, but was a little frustrated by the lack of a heads up that I would be needed in New Fro for the afternoon/evening shift on Friday. It was during my shift in New Fro on Friday that I ended up doing front of house stuff, which I haven't done much of, so I was learning as I went. There were times that I wanted to do a face palm (you know, that thing where you hit your face with your hand as if to say "What are you thinking?"), but didn't.
Today was a particularly good day since I didn't have to be in the kitchen and actually got to spend the whole day with campers! I still got up at 7 for breakfast. Since the cabin I'm paired with through the fourth didn't get to breakfast until a bit later, I was able to get some solo time in, which I really needed. The rest of the morning was spent hanging out with the campers, and doing a prayer walk. After lunch, we hopped on the buses and drove to Rose Lake, where we went tubing (it was my first time on a tube in several years), and hung out on the beach. After eating dinner at the beach, and coming back to camp, we had some down time in the cabin that the campers I get to spend time with each day are in. It was fun to get to interact with them there, and get to know them a bit better during that time. After that, we had movie night, and watched the Lego Movie.
I'm looking forward to a good nights sleep tonight. Hopefully I'll remember to write another post next Saturday about how this groups second week goes.