It's been almost a month since I posted here. If you've ever worked at a boarding school or camp, you'll understand the chaos of how many hours you work in a single day chasing kids down, helping with homework, doing facility upkeep, and just trying to keep your sanity.
There have been moments where I've wondered what I got myself into, especially in the past two weeks. There have defiantly been days when I felt like I was running around with my head cut off, and days when things were going well.
In the last week or so, I've come to the realization that I don't want kids in the near future. Right now, I just want to enjoy being single, and the whole dating thing (WHEN IT HAPPENS, which it isn't happening just yet). I may be learning a lot about children and different things that sometimes work and sometimes don't, but I'm sure that if I ever become a parent, I'll make my fair share of mistakes.