Saturday, June 15, 2013

Week One

I got to camp.  Check in was a little chaotic with it being the first week.  We knew what was supposed to be happening but didn't have it completely worked out just yet so that it goes smoothly.  We had our counselor meeting to schedule our activities and such.

It was our first full day with campers.  My three lovley campers enjoyed music, arts and crafts, and the pool. They also had fun doing evening activities.

More arts and crafts and music today.  My three campers and I also went camping.  The campers enjoyed it quite a bit.  Once campers were in bed both at the campsites, on main camp, and at primitive, the campsites got a radio call asking what type of ice cream we wanted.    The other two counselors and I all were so excited for chocolate ice cream before we went to bed.  All three of us had somewhat rough days with our campers, and so we were glad to have chocolate to eat.  After enjoying ice cream the three of us went to bed.  I didn't sleep all that well because I was sleeping outside and the bugs were bugging me.  I did eventually fall asleep right outside of the tent door so that none of my campers could get out and wander away, so an hour or so after going to bed I woke up to lightning.  We ended up being radiod to pack up our personal belongings, and be ready for the bus to come pick us up and bring us back to our dorm on main camp.  I was so gratefull to my three ladies being so good about this whole thing in the middle of the night.  The next day I was quite tired, after having slept about 4 hours.

We did even more arts and crafts and music.  We went fishing in the afternoon, which was quite relaxing.  After dinner was badger olympics which my campers enjoyed.  We even got to watch Badger Bill (camps "mascot") accidently run into a door while we were waiting for snack.  One of my campers got a kick out Badger Bill doing so, and laughed.  The campers laugh made my night quite a bit easier.  During noon rest (after lunch and before afternoon activities), I tried to skype my Mom, but she had completley forgotten, so I had to wait until Thursday since I had to hang out with campers until 11pm.

We did more arts and crafts, stopped by music for a while, did some recreation, and even made it to a nature activity.  After our activities, we headed off to get ready for the dance and our nice dinner.  All three of my campers enjoyed our meal of peas, mashed potatos, turkey, and stuffing.  We also enjoyed dancing during the dance.  I wish I could post my pictures of campers here, but I can't because of privacy.  During the dance one of my camping buddies (one of the campers from the other group of campers that camped with my campers), gave me a hug and I also got to dance with two of my three campers.  It all made my week all the better.  It also reminded me that the simple things can be thie things that you miss and enjoy the most.

We got up and got ready for the talent show.  My three awesome campers enjoyed breakfast, and also enjoyed the talent show.  After lunch all three were picked up, and I said my first goodbyes.  I didn't tear up or cry at goodbye this time.  Yet, it was bittersweet saying goodbye to all three.  They will stick with me for quite some time.

One of my three campers that came to camp last year remembered coming to music and spending time with me there since I was the music director here last year.  That made me smile and glad that there has been at least one camper that has enjoyed their time with me.

That's all folks.  I'm off to get more sleep and enjoy my day off.  I shall be back at some point to post a few pictures from around camp that I am sure you will enjoy seeing (NO CAMPER PICTURES! but pictures of the camp in general).

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