Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Looking back

Today, as I helped a boarder with their religion homework, I thought back to my time at Spring Hill this past summer and remembered the times when campers would ask questions of myself and fellow staff members.

Being here at Camp Pillsbury, I can't force religion on anyone.  But, being able to share with a kid who is struggling with their religion homework, and explain what they are reading about in a way that the kid understands it, could make all the difference in their life.

I still remember realizing that, at camp, the smallest things make the biggest difference with so many people.  That's what I've continued to tell myself when one of the boarders is having a rough day.  I keep reminding myself that, if I keep giving of myself, then the kids I work with will be able to look back at the time spent with me as a time that they had fun, learned, and as a time in their lives that means a lot to them.

And that's part of what keeps me going on my longest days when all I really want to do is curl up in bed and sleep.  Those are the days that I remember to grin, laugh, and do things with the kids that will benefit them, but will also help them to also have fun.

Looking back at it, my time at Wisconsin Badger Camp and at Spring Hill were both experiences that I enjoyed, but also experiences that informs the way that I handle many of the situations I deal with on a regular basis here.

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