Friday, June 19, 2015

The gift of a stick

"God has given us each gifts, even if that gift is only a stick, it is still a stick--how will you use to it to glorify him?" Unknown

I happened upon this quote today during my training cabins small group today and wanted to share it here, with you.

Today, during our morning meeting/small group, each member of my training cabin wrote a letter.  None of us knew who would get the letter we wrote.  All we knew was that we were writing a single letter that someone else in our cabin would get.  We did it last year with all of the TST female staff at an all female campfire.  Last year the letter I got said so much about what I was going to experience and learn in the pat year and the growth that would happen.

And so, as I wrote this years letter, I thought of my faith walk and of all the new staff that were sitting in that circle.  I won't say what I wrote because I don't remember much of what I did.  But I remember saying that there were going to be ups and downs and that those experiences would change their life.

As I read the letter sent to me, I saw words of encouragement and words that I need to remember on a daily basis.  I saw a reminder of the fact that I am beautiful, even when I don't feel it.

There are times when I've looked around only to see people that I think are more talented, are better at everything that they do, who are more popular.  That's when I need to remember that quote that I started this post off with.

"God has given us each gifts, even if that gift is only a stick, it is still a stick--how will you use to it to glorify him?" Unknown

Remembering that I have my own unique gifts hasn't always been easy.  Remembering that my sticks aren't someone else's sticks isn't always easy.  Yet, as I sit here at SpringHill's Michigan overnight location, I can't help but remember that my gifts are being used here.  I might not always use all of my gifts while I am here, but I use many of them.

This year, with a majority of the summer kitchen staff being new to being kitchen staff, I've found myself thrown into a situation where I can mentor the new staff and help them learn what I did last year in the kitchen while still learning from them.

I can't wait to see what this summer brings, and what I learn.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Training, learning, and life

There are a lot of things that I've begun to realize being back here at Spring Hill.

While I was here at Spring Hill last summer, I had to learn my way about a giant camp and meet so many people I had never known before.  I still remember how several people took me under their wing to show me their way around, teaching me about Spring Hill, and the people I worked with began to pull me out of my shell.

This year, as I arrived at at Spring Hill ready for another adventure at camp.  I knew that there were going to be returning.  I also knew that there would be a lot of new staff.  I wondered if I would get along with the new staff.  All I knew was that I knew what to expect out of my job, where to find things and that I would love my time at Spring Hill.

On Tuesday night as all of the kitchen staff (hourly/year round and summer) were at the blobs and gusher, I found myself talking with two of the new members of the kitchen staff and telling them about what a normal day was like for the summer kitchen staff.

What I continue to find myself working on is learning to open up.

Last year I was nowhere as open about where I've been in life or where I am at with my relationship with God.  This year I've already shown my testimony with my training cabin and our brother cabin.  What I later found out was that when I shared my testimony this summer, I actually included just the right amount of humor to keep it from being too depressing.

I've finally begun to really trust that God will take me where I need to be.

Saturday, June 13, 2015


I've been at Spring Hill since Tuesday and I've been busy ever since.  This is my first update here since my arrival at SpringHill.

On June 9, I arrived along with the TST counselors.  We spent the afternoon moving in, playing GWAPS (games with a purpose), and at campfire with our specialty staff groups.  For me this meant doing campfire with the summer kitchen staff.  It was fun seeing all the returners, and meeting all the new people to TST.  The thing that stuck out to me was that after dinner, the summer kitchen staff joined the year round people for fun at the blobs, water zip line, and the gusher.  It was my first time blobing, which I enjoyed.

On Wensday and Thursday, the summer kitchen staff had fun doing dishes, sweeping the dining hall, and making sack lunches.  We've already had conversations about a rabbit, dead animals, and being unable to speak English.  On Wensday night we even got to go to the water slide which was fun to do again.

Yesterday afternoon the rest of the staff arrived, and we did an introduction to camp and campfires with everyone.  Today was SH history, mission, gospel essentials and why we do what we do.  All of that was is the aud, which meant we sat still most of the day.  We'll be sitting still tomorrow too.

I will get back on in the near future to write another post about the things that I've realized since I returned to SH, but for now I need to go get ready for campfire with TST.  I'm sure I'll have more to include in that post once I get the chance to sit down and think about writing it.

Hopefully everyone's lives are treating them well and everyone reading this has a good several days!