Saturday, June 13, 2015


I've been at Spring Hill since Tuesday and I've been busy ever since.  This is my first update here since my arrival at SpringHill.

On June 9, I arrived along with the TST counselors.  We spent the afternoon moving in, playing GWAPS (games with a purpose), and at campfire with our specialty staff groups.  For me this meant doing campfire with the summer kitchen staff.  It was fun seeing all the returners, and meeting all the new people to TST.  The thing that stuck out to me was that after dinner, the summer kitchen staff joined the year round people for fun at the blobs, water zip line, and the gusher.  It was my first time blobing, which I enjoyed.

On Wensday and Thursday, the summer kitchen staff had fun doing dishes, sweeping the dining hall, and making sack lunches.  We've already had conversations about a rabbit, dead animals, and being unable to speak English.  On Wensday night we even got to go to the water slide which was fun to do again.

Yesterday afternoon the rest of the staff arrived, and we did an introduction to camp and campfires with everyone.  Today was SH history, mission, gospel essentials and why we do what we do.  All of that was is the aud, which meant we sat still most of the day.  We'll be sitting still tomorrow too.

I will get back on in the near future to write another post about the things that I've realized since I returned to SH, but for now I need to go get ready for campfire with TST.  I'm sure I'll have more to include in that post once I get the chance to sit down and think about writing it.

Hopefully everyone's lives are treating them well and everyone reading this has a good several days!

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