Monday, June 20, 2016

Let your light shine

"For it is the God who said, Let light shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."  2 Corinthians 4:6

Let light shine out of darkness--this is a phrase that I've never fully learned how to allow to happen so that others can see God's glory.  You might think that, because I work at a Christian summer camp that I'd be good at this.  Yet it is something I'm still learning to do.  Letting God's light shine out of my darkness might take me a bit.  Yet I will eventually get there.

People know that working at a summer camp means that you have the power to influence the kids you come into contact with.  Yes, we will influence these kids this summer.  But it isn't through out power that we influence them--it's through God's power.  In sharing my struggles with others, I can share God's love and the work that HE has done through an in me.

I've been told that I light up a room the moment that I walk in.  This may be true, but it isn't my joy, my smile, or the things I do that light up the room.  It is what God does through me that lights up the room.  God allowed me to experience depression and anxiety, knowing  that I could handle what he was handing me.  God never will allow us to experience something we cannot handle.  And that's something truly amazing.

Sit still.  Be quiet.  Remember that time that was such a struggle to get through?  He was working through you during that time.  He was working in you.  There is a high probability that God worked through you to teach someone else and a chance that you have no clue that impact that God had on another person through you.

DO you remember that person who had an impact on you, on your faith?  Did you ever tell them about the impact that they had?  Do they know that God touched your life through them?  Have you thanked God for that person?  Have you thanked God for what He did?

Whatever you experience, look to God for help.  Remember God won't ever give you anything you cannot handle.

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